Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Special Day!

Our theme this week for school is Easter.  Yesterday, we talked about the story of Palm Sunday and tried to do our typical routine.  It was rough.  Jman didn't want to sit and do any writing practice.  BG ran around the entire time, which isn't typical, and made it harder for Jman to focus.  I just went with the flow and made our routine shorter.  Today, we tried it again.  It was much better!  God knows when I need a break and just makes things click.  We read out of our children's bible the stories of the Last Supper and Jesus is the Way to Heaven.  We've talked about what it means to have Jesus living in your heart and how you get to heaven.  It wasn't a new story.  After reading the stories, Jman asked if we could ask Jesus to live in our hearts!  It was a great moment!  I told him that Jesus already lived in my heart but he could ask Jesus to live in his heart if he wanted to.  He said he wanted to, so we prayed and Jman accepted Jesus into his heart!  God is amazing and all of heaven is rejoicing along with us!  It is a great day!

1 comment:

  1. WAHOO!!! Tell Jeremiah I am so excited for him. Isn't that the best. :)
