Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Quiet time with the Lord is something that I have struggled to fit into my day, especially since having kids. I really wanted to remedy this, so I just picked a book in the Bible that I had heard a verse from recently. It happened to be the book of James. I have read through it before, yet I'm always amazed at how much I learn that I never did before. God knows exactly what we need, when we need it. It has been convicting and eye opening. I have been focusing on developing a more intimate relationship with Christ and I've realized that even though I think I'm a very patient person and keep a lot of thoughts to myself, I have a lot of work to do! I keep getting the message that my kids see my impatience too often and I interrupt much too often. It is almost in neon: Quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; Watch your tongue; We are justified in faith by our actions; We should not praise God and curse man with the same tongue; Wisdom from heaven is all pure, peaceloving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere; We ask God for things with selfish motives; Do not judge others or speak slander. I am getting the hint that I have much to do! My character is never done and I can only continue to mature in Christ and grow in wisdom. Every chapter has caused me to write and write and write about my downfalls in my journal, but I am uplifted after it all. I know that I am realizing that I am not complete and will never be, especially without the continual interaction with God that I so desperately need. It is very liberating.

Today, I focused on the lesson of being arrogant. I was most struck by the single point, "What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" 4:14b. I took a moment and pondered this. I chuckled and thought, I am always so caught up in getting things done, keeping this clean, worrying about this or that, when really, I need to focusing on the big picture: my heavenly prize awaiting me at the end of my short existence. As long as I do this and continue to guide my children towards Him, I can be assured that I am running the race the best that I can!

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