May (pulling out my calendars to try and remember): Jeremiah played t-ball in April and May. He loved it. His team was called "The Razorbacks" and it was no joke. They had embroidered hats, really nice jerseys and he had to wear red socks, black baseball pants and a red belt to each game. They played their hearts out, no matter how hot it was! Jeremiah did awesome, playing mostly at short stop, but a little at third base, first base and outfield. He was a great hitter and was super fast. It was so much fun to watch him.
Benjamin started going to speech therapy twice a week. We have seen a great improvement in his articulation and fluency. Even after the first week, our friends and family noticed a difference. What a blessing for Benj to be able to communicate easier and for us to be able to better understand him!
Lulu is still plugging away at being a little sister. She's always curious and finding the action. Keeping her busy during school time is a challenge, but I find ways to distract her or have her join in with minimal interruptions. There is never a dull moment!
This also is our final month of school. I had been planning on finishing in June, but an unexpected vacation became available through Nathan's company and I decided to finish before we left. It was a lot of work and I'm happy to say that we did finish by the end of the month and the kids all enjoyed the school year. Jman is reading well and astonishes me with how much he can learn and retain. BG is a quick study and is a little sponge as well. This fall, Jman starts 1st grade (crazy!!) and BG will be in preschool again, with just a few more add ins this year. Lulu finally gets to officially start preschool, even though she's really been with us in school since she was born!
June (flipping pages): Lulu turned 2! Grandpa and Grandma Davis made the journey south and joined us for the birthday party and baby sat while Nate and I went to Florida for a week. We left the day after Lulu's birthday party, with Jman having the flu the night of our departure. We got to Florida and both ended up having the flu. Our first 2 days in Orlando were spent in our hotel room. Once we recovered, it was fabulous. It was very relaxing (for me.) Nate was at a conference for work, so his days were completely booked up from 7 am until 10pm. So while I was all alone, all day long (don't feel too sorry for me), I sat by the pool. Literally, all day long. I got up in the morning, grabbed breakfast for the walk to the pool, found my lounge chair and that was it for my day. I only moved from my lounger to cool off in the pool or get food. It was wonderful. I finally finished Anne of Green Gables, which I adored. We got home on a Friday and the following Tuesday, I turned 31. My birthday started off with a doctor's appointment for BG, speech in the afternoon, and crown at the dentist for Jman in the afternoon. All appointments were scheduled before hand, not by my choice, but from doctor availability. Go figure. I did get to enjoy a nice dinner with family and friends and that's all you really need. We had an early birthday party for BG with his friends in Texas since we were going to be out of town on his actual birthday. It was a huge success with water balloons, squirt guns and a slip-n-slide. Perfect for a hot Texas day! The very last weekend of June began my BIG vacation, 2 weeks in North Dakota and 1 week in Montana. My sister flew down, only to turn around and drive 2 days up north with the kids and I. I am so thankful she drove with me. It would not have been a grand "adventure" if she hadn't!
July (finally caught up, but still flipping pages): The first 2 weeks were spent in Fargo. It was so great to be with family. We had birthday parties for BG, a day at the farm, lots of time with GG, dinner with Great Uncle Leroy, the boys camped on the deck in a tent with Uncle Nick, a day at Chahinkapa Zoo with Grandpa Roger and Uncle Nick, and lots of time spent outside in the little pool, sprinkler and on the play set. It was definitely a time of making memories. Nate finally flew in 12 days after we first departed and we were fortunate enough to get so see my aunt Sandy for a little while before we left for Montana the following day. We ventured west for Nate's grandma, LaVerne's 90th birthday party. I met some family for the first time and saw many that I hadn't seen in over 7 years! It really blows my mind how fast time goes. We had multiple family dinners of about 30 people. I had such a good time getting to better know everyone. We all had a fabulous time. We spent one day in Yellowstone National Park. God's creation is so beautiful. His imagination really shines there. We also went to visit my cousin Holly and her family for an afternoon. We hadn't seen them in 4 years! All of the kids had a blast playing in the huge yard, checking out the neighbor's chickens, and racing on the deck. We were so blessed to get to spend so much time with family we rarely see! The trip home was two 12+ hour days, getting home on the second day at 2 am. (So technically 3 days, but we aren't getting THAT technical.) It was almost like a big exhale to get home and finally be home. We do miss everyone, but there is something about being at home that just feels nice.
And of course we jumped right back into the swing of things come Monday. Jman started a week long, morning soccer camp, BG started up speech right away, and Lulu is "thinking" about starting potty training. Nate is back at work and I'm trying to finish up school planning. (I'm refraining from telling you about my chores because those are no fun to mention.)
Regardless of how busy we are, where we are, or what's going on, we always try to keep Jesus Christ at the center of our lives and our eyes focused on Him. Who would we be without him? I am so thankful for the many blessings he continues to give us. He is so good! Worthy is He, the Lamb of God.
I hope to keep my blog from reverting back to a quarterly journal, but I make no promises. Until the next time you join me here...

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