It has been MUCH too long since I've last posted anything! We've been working hard around the house and I have some updates. The kitchen is almost done. We only have 5 doors left to paint. So the pictures below are not completely updated; all of the upper cabinet doors are on now. You can see the messes on the has been extremely discomforting for my type A personality!

It feels good to get it done. I put things away and now my counters are spotless! I did a thorough cleaning the minute I got done painting the bottom cabinets. We have decided we are not going to paint the walls, but leave them yellow. It looks nice and bright! Plus, we just have too much else to get done before baby comes. My due date is in 3 weeks. Crunch time is in effect!
I'll add pictures of baby room as I get it ready! It is a matter of clearing it out and getting the right things in. The clock is ticking!
It looks great you guys!