I call it joy. My husband would say I have a problem. Regardless of who you are talking to, I love to read. I read any and every kind of book. I am breaking my silence and recommending some of my favorites!

I'll admit it, I am a fan of Harry Potter. I reread this series quite often just for the fun of it. I love escaping into a world of imagination.

While I'm in the genre of fantasy, I will also say that I love the Eragon series. This is a series about elves, dragons, dwarfs...a fun read! My friend back in the cities got me started on this one and I couldn't put it down. I finished all 4 books within 2 weeks time (I may have a slight problem).
The Hobbit
and J.R.R. Tolkien Boxed Set (The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings)
make the list of fantasy novels as well.
MOVING on from Fantasy (I could spend some time there...) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE historical fiction and Christian historical fiction. Tracie Peterson is one of my favorite authors, along with the following:

Redeeming Love is a book I will read when I want a love story that will melt your heart, make you cry, speak to your soul, and give you hope and joy. It is such a good book!!!

The Dakotah Series books by Lauraine Snelling are books I recommend to others all the time. Growing up in North Dakota, these books are extra special for me to read. I have visited the towns she writes about and can visualize the small towns in the days of the settlers.

The English Garden Series by Lori Wick are excellent Christian historical fiction reads as well. I enjoy a good love story that shows the struggles and triumphs of a man and woman striving to keep God at the center of their relationship. These books are just what the doctor ordered if you are looking for the same kind of story!
Last books - I really like suspense, murder mystery, thriller books as well. I told you I liked them all. And I'm only showing you the tip of the iceberg in
fiction. :)

Stephanie Plum novels have got me laughing out loud. They are more comedic murder mystery, but they still fit in this genre. The language is a little more crude than I would usually like, but she is so crazy, it's hard not to get into these. A woman bounty hunter that has a reputation for blowing up cars...it doesn't get much wackier.
A start to my book collection for you. I'll add more as I continue to find new, great reads! It shouldn't be too much longer before I add more. I have a lot of books on my reading list! If you have any suggestions for me, PLEASE leave me a comment and give your recommendations! I'm always looking for new books!