I moved the lazy-boy up from the basement and put our old computer chair downstairs. It looks nice in the sun room, but the basement looks a bit bare without it! |
Nate finished up the trim in the basement hallway. |
We got a panel painted to cover the water meter. |
Lulu's first tree trimming! |
We have accomplished a lot in the past 2 weeks. The sun room got a little cozier. It was the worst idea to bring up the lazy-boy by myself, but I did it and will never do it again! I really wanted to rearrange the room the way I wanted to, so I decided to do it when Nate wasn't home! HA! Sore legs and arms is what I got for being impatient.
The basement trim got a little more complete. The only rooms not trimmed out downstairs are the bedroom and the bathroom.
The bathroom panel is going to get mounted so we can access the water meter easily. Once that gets done, the trim will go in. I really enjoy completing projects!
Lulu's first Christmas will be great. The boys are enjoying the ornaments on and OFF the tree. We'll see how many are still in one piece when we take down the tree!
Phew! There's the quick update. Until next time!!