This week was a fun week, short but fun! Here's the breakdown of our week:
Monday - We read the story of Palm Sunday and The Last Supper out of our Children's Bible. We also read "Ollie's Easter Eggs". We practiced writing the letter "E", which I printed off of Confessions of a Homeschooler blog. BG worked on matching colors and shapes, while Jman practiced his phonics and letters on his learning computer. I got the idea for the penguins off of the Everything Preschool website (there are 6 of them in total), while I thought of the ladybugs myself. I don't remember where I got the shape cutouts from, though I know it found it on the internet about 3 years ago!

Tuesday - We read "The Story of Easter" and out of our children's Bible, the story "Jesus Dies" and "I am the Way". Jman practiced his letter "E" and "B", while BG did some matching and computer games. Then, Jman worked on matching the Easter eggs shown below taken from Confessions of a Homeschooler blog. Then we made Easter bunny heads. I had left over styrofoam balls from our outer space week, so we painted them, added googly eyes and pipe cleaner ears.
Thursday - We read our stories again. Jman and BG practiced writing the letters "E" and "B". Then we read and colored our Easter lap books. I printed them from Jman did some more matching, sorting and counting with the Easter Egg cards. The boys also did some cutting with scissors! It's a fun break for them. They made thank you cards for Dad, just for being Dad! They're extra special because it was Jman's idea.
That was our week in an "egg shell". It is a lot of fun and just thought I'd share a little with you. God's blessings be with you this Easter weekend as we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us!